List of Rugrats episodes

The following is a list of episodes from the American animated series Rugrats. The show first aired on Sunday, August 11, 1991. The first three seasons aired between 1991-1994. The series returned with two Jewish holiday specials in May 1995 and December 1996. From 1997 to 2004, the series resumed airing regular episodes. Rugrats and Nickelodeon aired the Tenth Anniversary special All Growed Up on August 11, 2001, recognizing the day the series officially began as one of the original three Nicktoons. Rugrats ended on Tuesday June 8, 2004, along with fellow Nicktoon Hey Arnold!. As of December 2011, Rugrats reruns still air sporadically on TeenNick's program block The '90s Are All That as well as Nicktoons. A total of 172 episodes, three films, and two direct-to-DVD specials had been released as of September 9, 2006.


Series overview

Season Episodes Originally
DVD release
Premiere Finale
1 13 1991-1992 June 2, 2009 August 11, 1991 May 24, 1992
2 26 1992-1993 June 2, 2009 (eps. 1-13) September 6, 1992 May 9, 1993
3 26 1993-1995 September 23, 2011 September 26, 1993 May 13, 1995
4 17 1996-1997 September 23, 2011 December 6, 1996 November 22, 1997
5 17 1997-1998 October 4, 2011 November 29, 1997 December 12, 1998
6 28 1998-2000 October 6, 2011 December 27, 1998 March 7, 2000
7 17 2000–2001 October 6, 2011 May 20, 2000 May 13, 2001
8 14 2001-2003 October 6, 2011 July 21, 2001 March 1, 2003
9 14 2002-2004 October 6, 2011 ("The Best of") December 21, 2002 June 8, 2004


Pilot Episode: 1990

# Episode Original Airdate Code
0 "Tommy Pickles and the Great White Thing" Unaired, but Available on YouTube, and the anniversary video Rugrats: Decade in Diapers (Vol.1) 100
After seeing his grandpa go into the bathroom so many times, Tommy wants to go in to see what the great white thing (toilet) was.
Note: Tami Hollbrook voices Tommy in this episode. 

Season 1: 1991-1992

# Episode Original Airdate Code
1 "Tommy's First Birthday" 11 August 1991 (1991-08-11) 101
Stu and Didi strive to make Tommy's first birthday a memorable one. They did, but under the wrong circumstances. Meanwhile Tommy wants to eat dog food so he can be just like Spike, eventually selling the other Rugrats on the idea. 
2 "Barbecue Story / Waiter, There's a Baby In My Soup" 18 August 1991 (1991-08-18) 102
Tommy has received his favourite toy in the whole wide world: a ball. Angelica, who is always looking to spoil the babies fun, takes the ball and tosses it into the next yard, resulting the babies risking life and limb looking for it.; Stu and Didi ended up taking Tommy to an important dinner at Chez Ennui with Mr. Mucklehoney (president of Mucklehoney Industries, a toy company), since Tiffany the babysitter (via telephone) and Grandpa had different plans (the babysitter's OTHER goldfish died and Grandpa was going bowling with a friend of his, Louise). Tommy, however, has plans of his own. 
3 "At the Movies / Slumber Party" 25 August 1991 (1991-08-25) 103
Tommy wants to see Reptar, but the parents took him, and the other Rugrats, to the Westside Octoplex to see The Land Without Smiles (starring the Dummi Bears) instead. The Rugrats left Dummi Bears to go look for Reptar (showing at the same theatre) leaving a path of destruction behind them.; Angelica stays over with Tommy, but her desire for an open window left Tommy feeling ill, eventually leading to him barfing on her. 
4 "Baby Commercial / Little Dude" 8 September 1991 (1991-09-08) 104
Betty talks about her trials and tribulations regarding placing Phil and Lil in a diaper commercial, in which the twins rather ad-lib than stick with the script.; Didi took Tommy to her workplace - a local high school, for use as a visual aid. He would rather roam around campus, getting admired by a biker. 
5 "Beauty Contest / Baseball" 15 September 1991 (1991-09-15) 105
Having desire for the Kingfisher 9000 (a top-of-the-line sports boat), Stu and Grandpa enter Tommy into a beauty contest by placing him in girls clothes and a wig, and naming him "Tonya". Their main competitior - Angelica.; Using tickets Grandpa had won in a radio contest, Stu and Grandpa take Tommy to the Grizzlies' baseball game, where they play the Boston Bombers. Tommy, however, was more intrested in his balloon than the ball game. Tommy's balloon hunt helped make a very spectaculer catch for Grizzlies player Bucky Majors. 
6 "Ruthless Tommy / Moose Country" 22 September 1991 (1991-09-22) 106
Being mistaken for the son of millionaire Ronald Thump, Tommy was kidnapped by some thugs, Bob and Mike, in which it was actually more trouble than it was worth.; After hearing Grandpa's mythicall story about a moose, the Rugrats go look for one. 
7 "Grandpa's Teeth / Momma Trauma" 6 October 1991 (1991-10-06) 107
At a picnic, Spike steals Grandpa's teeth, leading to a frantic search by Tommy and Chuckie. The war veterans were having a concert at the picnic, and Grandpa needed those teeth in order to play the trumpet properly.; Didi and Stu take Tommy to Dr. Lepetomaine (who mainly says nothing more than "I see", which at one point angered Stu), after Tommy was found drawing on walls. Tommy goes for an adventure round the office building, while Stu ended up being psychonanalysed. 
8 "Real or Robots? / Special Delivery" 13 October 1991 (1991-10-13) 108
After seeing a Frankenstein-type horror flick, Tommy and Chuckie go see if Stu is a human or a robot. Stu, however, has a recurring sleepwalking dream, in which he's the host of a cooking show.; Stu ordered a doll from Eggbert Toys, his competitor, so he could check out their doll, "Tina Trousers", as a comparison to the doll he's making, "Patty Pants". Thinking that Tommy is getting a new baby in a mail, he hitches a ride with the postman to the post office. 
9 "Candy Bar Creepshow / Monster in the Garage" 27 October 1991 (1991-10-27) 109
The Pickles set up a haunted house for the neighbourhood kids on Halloween. As treats, they pass out "Reptar Bars", which contain "chocolate, and nuts, and caramel, and green stuff". The Rugrats go to the haunted house to search for them, eventually scaring Angelica and Grandpa as well.; A rat goes around knocking stuff off the shelves; Stu places the blame on Spike; the Rugrats blame it on the rat, then known merely as "The Monster". After hearing Boris' story about the "dibbick" fighting off the monster with his "klobbermeister", the Rugrats go into the garage in search for this "monster". 
10 "Weaning Tommy / Incident in Aisle Seven" 1991 (1991) 110
On advice from Dr. Homer, Tommy's dentist (Didi prefers calling him a tooth fairy), Stu and Didi wanted Tommy to start drinking from the cup, so Tommy wouldn't have any bad teeth or cross-bites later. Tommy, however, wants to stick with the bottle instead.; Grandpa takes Tommy to the supermarket. Tommy ended up making a mess of things when he was looking for "Reptar Cereal" - without Grandpa. 
11 "Touchdown Tommy / The Trial" 1991 (1991) 111
While Didi and Betty go shopping, Stu and the guys babysit the Rugrats while the Dallas Cowboys and the Houston Oilers duke it out on the gridiron in "Ultra Bowl XXXVII". Later, Grandpa gives Tommy a bottle of chocolate milk; Angelica, who normally thinks she's too old for baby bottles, fights Tommy over it.; Someone broke "Mr. Fluffles" (Angelica calls it "Mr. Fluffie-Luffles"), Tommy's clown lamp, and Angelica wants to find out who. The fingerpointing, however, eventually points back to her. 
12 "Fluffy vs. Spike / Reptar's Revenge" 8 December 1991 (1991-12-08) 112
Angelica brings Fluffy the cat to Tommy's house. Fluffy ended up making a mess of things, but prefers blaming Fluffy's crimes on Spike.; The Rugrats go looking for Reptar at the Sleazola Bros. fair. This Reptar, however, is a cereal addict named Leo. 
13 "Graham Canyon / Stu-Maker's Elves" 22 December 1991 (1991-12-22) 113
The Pickles experience car trouble en route to the Grand Canyon. Eddie and Ace, a couple of crooked auto mechanics working at "Twin Cactus Auto Repair", try to make a simple, cheap thing more expensive, but Angelica and Tommy inadvertently stopped them from further damage while playing in a "canyon" of tires.; Stu has received an order from Mucklehoney Industries for 15, 000 "Patty Pants" dolls. However, he is having trouble with the machine. Tommy and Chuckie fixed it while fetching the "Zippo-Glider", which Chuckie accidentally tossed into the basement. 

Season 2: 1992-1993

# Episode Original Airdate Code
14 "Toy Palace / Sand Ho!" 6 September 1992 (1992-09-06) 201
After wandering away from their fathers, Tommy and Chuckie unwittingly ended up playing around in a closed toy store.; Intrigued by Grandpa's pirate story, the Rugrats play pirates themselves. 
15 "Chuckie vs. the Potty / Together at Last" 13 September 1992 (1992-09-13) 202
Chuckie has a difficult decision to make - spend the rest of his life in diapers, or learn to use the potty.; Phil and Lil try, and fail, to face life separately. 
16 "The Big House / The Shot" 20 September 1992 (1992-09-20) 203
While Didi is doing some errands, she leaves Tommy at a maximum-security day care center. Desperate for freedom, Tommy contemplates escaping.; Tommy gets his booster shot, but not without Chuckie and Angelica telling horror stories about - The Shot. 
17 "Showdown at Teeter-Totter Gulch / Mirrorland" 27 September 1992 (1992-09-27) 204
Tommy and Chuckie match wits with Prudence, a.k.a. "The Junk Food Kid", the local playground bully.; Chuckie and Tommy go through a mirror to see "Mirrorland", where "everything is the same, only different." Meanwhile, Didi and Grandpa examines various antiques that Didi purchased at "Cold n' Oldies", an antique store that doubles as a frozen yogurt shop. One of these "antiques" included a mirror, which Tommy and Chuckie used to go to Mirrorland. 
18 "Angelica's in Love / Ice Cream Mountain" 4 October 1992 (1992-10-04) 205
Angelica falls in love with Dean, a biker-type kid who's "a 4-year old's dream on a 5-year old's bike"; her heart ended up being broken when he pledged his love to someone else - his mother.; Stu and Drew take the Rugrats out for ice cream. While passing "Fun Land", a miniature golf course, they decided to stop on a spur for a moment to play a round of golf. While there, the Rugrats play through to "Ice Cream Mountain", a gargantuan sundae, made of plastic. At "Ice Cream Mountain" anyone making a hole-in-one gets a free game. However, Earl Skaggs, the owner, rigged it so no-one would get a hole-in-one. That is, until the Rugrats arrived. 
19 "Regarding Stuie / Garage Sale" 18 October 1992 (1992-10-18) 206
Stu falls down from the roof while attempting to install his new "Quack-O-Matic" weather vane (in a style of a duck, it gives the forecast, tells the time and temperature in other cities and predicts earthquakes, but doesn't give the wind direction). Suffering from amnesia, Stu reverts to his childhood and becomes one of the Rugrats.; To make room for some new stuff (including Stu's new stereo), the Pickles sell their unwanted goods at their garage sale, only to end up selling everything but the kitchen sink, thanks to the Rugrats. 
20 "The Bank Trick / Let There Be Light" 25 October 1992 (1992-10-25) 207
After ruining Grandpa's chess game (being played by mail), Didi takes Tommy and Chuckie on her errands. While at the bank, Tommy and Chuckie wander around, looking for the M&M machine (the ATM machine), while inadvertently foiling a bank robbery by 2 crooks posing as bank examiners.; While working on the anti-gravity playpen (his latest invention), Stu blacks out the neighbourhood; the Rugrats look for the light in the most logical place - the fridge. 
21 "Family Reunion / Grandpa's Date" 25 October 1992 (1992-10-25) 208
When Grandpa goes to Chicago because he missed his train stop (likely on purpose), the Pickles stop in (fictional) Willoughby, Iowa, to attend their family reunion, hosted by Hugh Pickles and his wife, Dotti. Angelica tells Tommy and the other kids that reunions are swap meets for kids, with the kids being swapped. Her lie ended up backfiring on her, however, when a couple other farmyard relatives, Mackie and Edie, like a kid like Angelica, though changed to meet THEIR needs.; After 40 years, long, lost love Morgana, pays a visit. Morgana broke up with Grandpa over his affair with another woman named Trixie McGee, and never knew the real story. Also, Grandpa didn't want her to know that he's a grandfather, so he rushed Tommy and Chuckie to bed. In any case, anyone would have to contend with Stu's new remote controlled couch, which is more like a mechanical bull for 2. 
22 "No Bones About It / Beach Blanket Babies" 1 November 1992 (1992-11-01) 209
Grandpa takes the Rugrats to the natural history museum. Later, the Rugrats dismantle it while looking for a bone for Spike. While doing so, Grandpa locks horns with security chief Sally Payson, while rushing around the museum looking for the Rugrats.; The Pickles and the Finsters go to the beach. Chuckie has a personal mission -- to set free the "Sea Moneys" (Sea Monkeys) that his dad gave him. 
23 "Reptar on Ice / Family Feud" 8 November 1992 (1992-11-08) 210
After finding a lizard, which to the Rugrats was "Reptar's Baby", they try to present it to him at "Reptar on Ice", one of those "Ice Capades" - type shows. The problem -- this Reptar's afraid of lizards.; The Pickles and the Devilles stop being neighbours and started waging war over what used to be a friendly game of charades. Stu bickered over Howard because Howward doesn't go to the movies very often, while Didi argued with Betty because of Howard and the movies. Meanwhile, Tommy and Chuckie find ways to stop this foolishness, while Chaz is in the crossfire, having to return everything the neighbours borrowed from each other, as well as listening to their constant bickering. Where's Richard Dawson when they need him? 
24 "Superhero Chuckie / The Dog Broomer" 22 November 1992 (1992-11-22) 211
Chuckie thinks that he is really a superhero after seeing a taping of "Captain Blasto" (Adam West); The babies try to protect Spike from a dog groomer. 
25 "Aunt Miriam / The Inside Story" 22 November 1992 (1992-11-22) 212
A visiting relative is mistaken for an evil alien; After Chuckie swallows a watermelon seed, the babies are forced to enter his body to retrieve it after Angelica tells a petty lie about it. 
26 "A Visit from Lipschitz / What the Big People Do" 13 December 1992 (1992-12-13) 213
A famous child psychologist visits the Pickles; Tommy and Chuckie imagine their lives as adults. 
27 "The Santa Experience" 6 December 1992 (1992-12-06) 214
After a traumatic Santa visit in the mall, the babies' parents rent a cabin in the mountains. Meanwhile, Chuckie is scared of Santa and wants to stop him, while Angelica tries to right a wrong involving Phil and Lil's toys and presents. 
28 "Visitors from Outer Space / The Case of the Missing Rugrat" 13 December 1992 (1992-12-13) 215
Tommy dreams he is captured by aliens; Grandpa uses his skills from working as a detective in the 1930s to look for Tommy, after he winds up at the home of two eccentric sisters. 
29 "Chuckie Loses His Glasses / Chuckie Gets Skunked" 27 December 1992 (1992-12-27) 216
Chuckie's eyeglasses disappear during a game of hide-and-seek; a skunk sprays Chuckie. 
30 "Rebel Without a Teddy Bear / Angelica the Magnificent" 3 January 1993 (1993-01-03) 217
Angelica helps Tommy "go bad" after Didi confiscates his favorite stuffed animal; Angelica experiments with magic, and Lil goes missing in the process. 
31 "Meet the Carmichaels / The Box" 10 January 1993 (1993-01-10) 218
New neighbors move in across the street from the Pickles, where Tommy helps the youngest member of the family, Susie, find her room; The kids each find their own distinct uses for an old box. 
32 "Down the Drain / Let Them Eat Cake" 17 January 1993 (1993-01-17) 219
Tommy and Chuckie are afraid of being sucked down the drain; The gang attends a relative's wedding, where Tommy and Chuckie seek cake. 
33 "The Seven Voyages of Cynthia / My Friend Barney" 14 March 1993 (1993-03-14) 220
Tommy and Chuckie accidentally lose Angelica's favorite doll while Stu and Drew wash Drew's boat; Chuckie has an imaginary friend. 
34 "Feeding Hubert / Spike the Wonder Dog" 18 April 1993 (1993-04-18) 221
The babies mistake a garbage truck for a creature that eats trash; Spike apparently has the ability to talk. 
35 "The Slide / The Big Flush" 28 March 1993 (1993-03-28) 222
Chuckie is afraid to go down the playground slide after accidentally using a giant slide at a pizza place. Angelica intimidates him and the babies consult Susie, and she trains Chuckie to be "the bestest slider in the whole wide park"; The babies mistake a swimming pool for a giant potty. 
36 "King Ten Pin / Runaway Angelica" 4 April 1993 (1993-04-04) 223
Grandpa competes in a bowling tournament, where Tommy and the others try to help Grandpa; Angelica moves out from home after an argument with her father. 
37 "Game Show Didi / Toys in the Attic" 9 May 1993 (1993-05-09) 224
Didi appears on a TV game show, guest-starring Alex Trebek and Charles Nelson Reilly; Tommy and Angelica discover toys and some family history in Tommy's grandparents' attic. 
38 "Driving Miss Angelica / Susie vs. Angelica" 16 May 1993 (1993-05-16) 225
After Angelica saves Chuckie's life, he becomes her personal slave; Susie and Angelica compete to see who is the best. 
39 "Tooth or Dare / Party Animals" 9 May 1993 (1993-05-09) 226
Angelica schemes to steal Chuckie's teeth in order to get money from the tooth fairy; The grown-ups throw a costume party, and the babies think everybody's costume is real, including a man dressed as a baby, after they rub their lamp

Season 3: 1993-1995

# Episode Original airdate Code
40 "Dummi Bear Dinner Disaster / Twins' Pique" 26 September 1993 (1993-09-26) 301
The babies scheme to ruin a dinner party, as Susie fears she might have to move; Phil and Lil want to be different, causing the twins to become exaggerated versions of Chuckie and Angelica. 
41 "Chuckie's First Haircut / Cool Hand Angelica" 3 October 1993 (1993-10-03) 302
Chuckie is afraid to get a haircut; Angelica attends Susie's day camp, where she struggles to fit in. 
42 "The Tricycle Thief / Rhinoceritis" 10 October 1993 (1993-10-10) 303
The kids think that Angelica stole Susie's brand new tricycle; Angelica tells Chuckie that he is turning into a rhinoceros when she pretends to be a doctor while Drew helps Stu with taxes. 
43 "Grandpa Moves Out / The Legend of Satchmo" 17 October 1993 (1993-10-17) 304
Grandpa moves into a retirement home after feuding with Stu and Didi, and Angelica and Tommy seek to bring him back; The babies go camping in the backyard, and things turn bad at night when they fear a "Satchmo" will capture them. 
44 "Circus Angelicus / The Stork" 24 October 1993 (1993-10-24) 305
Angelica and the babies stage a circus after they are forced to leave one due to Chuckie's fear of clowns; Tommy thinks that he is getting a new baby brother, and tries to protect it. 
45 "The Baby Vanishes / Farewell My Friend" 7 November 1993 (1993-11-07) 306
Angelica uses vanishing cream to try to steal desserts while Drew tries to deal with Angelica's misbehavior; Tommy and Chuckie depart ways on their views of adventuring. 
46 "When Wishes Come True / Angelica Breaks a Leg" 14 November 1993 (1993-11-14) 307

The babies think that Angelica has turned into stone after a bad wish; Angelica fakes a broken leg and has a great time using a buzzer (which Stu set up) to get attention at all hours.

Note: The episode "Angelica Breaks a Leg" has become popular over famous video sharing website YouTube for the scene in which Stu makes chocolate pudding at four in the morning and "loses control of his life". 
47 "The Last Babysitter / Sour Pickles" 21 November 1993 (1993-11-21) 308
Susie's older sister, Alisa babysits for her younger siblings and Tommy, but things go awry when a "monster" appears; Grandpa recalls a turning point in the childhood of Stu and Drew, when Angelica gets a kaleidoscope. 
48 "Reptar 2010 / Stu Gets a Job" 28 November 1993 (1993-11-28) 309
The babies supply their own ending to a movie when the tape breaks; Tommy tries to prevent Stu from going to work in the morning. The title of the first episode is the same title of the level in Rugrats: Search for Reptar 
49 "Give and Take / Gold Rush" 28 November 1993 (1993-11-28) 310
Tommy and Chuckie reluctantly share a new toy: an inflatable clown; The babies turn "money hungry" after finding a nickel on the playground. Everyone searches for nickels, but throw away other "junk' like $100 bills and jeweled rings. 
50 "Home Movies / The Mysterious Mr. Friend" 5 December 1993 (1993-12-05) 311
The kids make "films" about their lives; Stu's new toy frightens the babies. 
51 "Cuffed! / The Blizzard" 12 December 1993 (1993-12-12) 312
Angelica accidentally handcuffs herself to Chuckie with a gift that is being sent to charity; A snowstorm comes to the neighborhood, and the babies imagine they are sledding to the North Pole. 
52 "Destination: Moon / Angelica's Birthday" 16 January 1994 (1994-01-16) 313
The kids pretend that Grandpa's new trailer is a spaceship, and they go to the Moon to find Chuckie's toy; Angelica wants to be a baby to avoid having responsibilities of getting older. 
53 "Princess Angelica / The Odd Couple" 26 December 1993 (1993-12-26) 314
Angelica thinks that she is royalty, and schemes to go to her "castle"; Tommy and Chuckie learn that "you don't really know someone until you live with them". 
54 "Naked Tommy / Tommy and the Secret Club" 2 January 1994 (1994-01-02) 315
Tommy wants to shed his clothes to be like his dog, Spike, so he tries out naturism. He also wants Phil & Lil to do it too, so they do so. Chuckie doesn't want to.; Angelica forces the babies to compete to see who gets to be in her club. 
55 "Under Chuckie's Bed / Chuckie's Rich" 9 January 1994 (1994-01-09) 316
Chuckie thinks that there are monsters living underneath his new "big boy" bed; Chaz wins ten million dollars from a sweepstakes and lets wealth go to his head. Pat Sajak makes a cameo appearance. 
56 "Mommy's Little Assets / Chuckie's Wonderful Life" 13 February 1994 (1994-02-13) 317
Angelica and Tommy nearly ruin Charlotte's business deal; An angel shows Chuckie what life without him would be like, when Chaz's favorite CD vanishes, and the horrible consequences are shown. 
57 "In the Dreamtime / The Unfair Pair" 20 February 1994 (1994-02-20) 318
Chuckie has a hard time distinguishing dreams from reality; Angelica worries Phil and Lil about which one is "their parents' favorite". 
58 "Chuckie's Red Hair / Spike Runs Away" 27 February 1994 (1994-02-27) 319
Chuckie tires of standing out because of his red hair, so he uses Grandpa's hair dye; The Pickles' dog runs away, and Stu can't get a good replacement. 
59 "The Alien / Mr. Clean" 20 March 1994 (1994-03-20) 320
Angelica convinces Tommy, Phil, and Lil that Chuckie is an alien; Chuckie becomes a neat freak after his father tells him about germs. 
60 "Angelica's Worst Nightmare / The Mega Diaper Babies" 13 March 1994 (1994-03-13) 321
Charlotte announces that she may be pregnant, which frightens Angelica to the point of her having a nightmare about her parents rejecting her; The babies pretend to be superheroes to get back their action figures of their favorite TV heroes from Angelica. 
61 "New Kid in Town / Pickles vs. Pickles" 10 April 1994 (1994-04-10) 322
Tired of being picked on by Angelica, the babies meet a boy named Josh who turns out to be worse; Drew dreams that Angelica is going to sue them for parental problems
62 "Kid TV / The Sky is Falling" 8 May 1994 (1994-05-08) 323
The kids create their own TV shows after Stu breaks the TV set; Angelica tells the babies that it is the "end of the world". 
63 "I Remember Melville / No More Cookies" 15 May 1994 (1994-05-15) 324
Chuckie's pet bug dies; Angelica swears off cookies after she suffers a stomachache, and reminisces of her first experiences with them. 
64 "Cradle Attraction / Moving Away" 22 May 1994 (1994-05-22) 325
Chuckie falls for a new girl; Angelica's announcement that she may be moving prompts to babies recall how they first met. 
65 "A Rugrats Passover" 13 May 1995 (1995-05-13) 326

While attending a Passover seder at Didi's parents' house, Boris and the kids (and later, most of the adults), get locked in the attic because the door doesn't open from the inside. To pass the time, Boris tells the kids the story of why Jews celebrate Passover, and how Moses saved his people from slavery.

Note: This episode is the only Rugrats episode that aired in 1995. 

Season 4: 1996-1997

# Episode Original airdate Code
66 "A Rugrats Chanukah" 6 December 1996 (1996-12-06) 601

The Rugrats celebrate Chanukah while trying to settle a dispute between Boris and his childhood rival, Angelica tries to find a TV to watch a

Christmas special, and Stu tries to make it to the synagogue.

Note: This episode is the only Rugrats episode that aired in 1996. 
67 "Mother's Day" 9 May 1997 (1997-05-09) 602
The Rugrats celebrate Mother's Day, and Chuckie wonders about his late mother. 
68 "A Rugrats Vacation" 31 December 1997 (1997-12-31) 603
The Rugrats go on a vacation to Las Vegas in an RV. 
69 "Spike's Babies / Chicken Pops" 23 August 1997 (1997-08-23) 604
Spike looks after some stray kittens while Stu prepares for a barbecue; Chuckie catches the chicken pox
70 "Radio Daze / Psycho Angelica" 30 August 1997 (1997-08-30) 605

Grandpa and the kids listen to an old detective radio show,and the kids feel they're living it; Angelica pretends to be psychic for goodies.

(This episode was dedicated to Andy Houts.) 
71 "America's Wackiest Home Movies / The 'Lympics" 6 September 1997 (1997-09-06) 606

Stu and Drew compete against each other for a TV show prize by filming their children; Angelica meets Timmy McNulty, and makes the

babies compete against his younger brothers in an Olympics-style event. 
72 "The Carwash / Heat Wave" 13 September 1997 (1997-09-13) 607

Stu takes the babies to the car wash after a little accident. But Angelica takes over the car; A new friend helps the kids to search for water on a

hot day, while Grandpa supervises the workers repairing the pipes.

Note: This is the only episode where Tommy wears shoes. 
73 "Faire Play / The Smell of Success" 20 September 1997 (1997-09-20) 609

The gang attends a medieval festival, where they deal with a robotic dragon, ran by Stu; Chuckie takes part in an experiment to improve his

nasal congestion. 
74 "Dust Bunnies / Educating Angelica" 27 September 1997 (1997-09-27) 615

The babies fear "dust bunnies" when the grown-ups clean the house; Angelica goes to pre-school, and must learn to share after a really

bad moment. Educating Angelica also served as the pilot of the Rugrats spin-off "Angelica and Susie's Pre-School Daze". 
75 "Angelica's Last Stand / Clan of the Duck" 4 October 1997 (1997-10-04) 608
The babies help Angelica at a lemon stand; Chuckie and Phil wear dresses as part of a festival, trying to feel the experience. 
76 "Potty Training Spike / The Art Fair" 11 October 1997 (1997-10-11) 611

After being scolded for his own bad habits, Chuckie tries to potty-train Spike; Angelica thinks she's a gifted artist, somewhat on the babies'

77 "Send in the Clouds / In the Naval" 18 October 1997 (1997-10-18) 612

The babies mistake fog for being in the sky and try to keep anyone from getting out; While on a fishing trip, Tommy and Chuckie lose her

doll, Cynthia, and pretend to be "Wavy Seals" to save her. 
78 "The Mattress / Looking for Jack" 1 November 1997 (1997-11-01) 613

Grandpa has problems sleeping, so the others try to replace his mattress with a better one; Charlotte's van breaks down en route to a

Dummi Bears concert, and Angelica is mistaken for the daughter of an Italian restaurant owner when she goes to ask for help. 
79 "Ransom of Cynthia / Turtle Recall" 8 November 1997 (1997-11-08) 616

To get the babies' candy, Angelica fakes a ransom and makes the babies think Cynthia was stolen; The Rugrats, Stu and Chaz go to the

mall and find a turtle by the fountain, in which they take it home to care for it. 
80 "Angelica Orders Out / Let it Snow" 15 November 1997 (1997-11-15) 603

Angelica orders food from a deli using Stu's voice-changer invention; When the Pickles take their family Christmas photo in August, the

babies think that Santa Claus forgot about them. 
81 "The Turkey Who Came to Dinner" 21 November 1997 (1997-11-21) 610

The babies try to defend a live turkey that Grandpa wins from being Thanksgiving dinner, Stu and Drew try to watch football, Didi and the

ladies try to find food for dinner, and Angelica wants to hold a parade. 
82 "Angelica Nose Best / Pirate Light" 22 November 1997 (1997-11-22) 614
A mosquito bite causes Angelica to be honest, remembering Pinocchio; The babies outsmart a crooked gasfitter looking for Stu's "treasure". 

Season 5: 1997-1998

# Episode Original airdate Code
83 "Grandpa's Bad Bug / Lady Luck" 29 November 1997 (1997-11-29) 703

The babies fear that there is a "bad bug" in Grandpa Lou's bed; Grandpa takes the babies to a Bingo game at the "Senior Citizens' Center".

(This episode was dedicated to David Doyle.) 
84 "Hiccups / Autumn Leaves" 6 December 1997 (1997-12-06) 702

Tommy catches hiccups, and the babies' attempts to scare him do not cure him; A change of season makes the babies think that the trees are

ill, so they apply whatever remedies they think of, but this unfortunately causes Stu to believe that that somehow the backyard is haunted
85 "Crime and Punishment / Baby Maybe" 13 December 1997 (1997-12-13) 704

Angelica tells the babies that police officers arrest bad people while Chas dates a police officer and Chas's glasses are broken; Didi's brother

and sister-in-law consider having a baby and to prove it, babysit the kids. 
86 "The Word of the Day / Jonathan Babysits" 20 December 1997 (1997-12-20) 705

Angelica learns a cuss from the host of her favorite children's show. It is bleeped out though; Jonathan looks after the kids, and searches for

ways to blackmail Charlotte. 
87 "He Saw, She Saw / Piggy's Pizza Palace" 27 December 1997 (1997-12-27) 706

Chuckie's latest crush has an over-protective brother; The gang goes to a pizzeria that resembles Chuck E. Cheese's, and try to get

Angelica's tickets back from a pig that "stole" them. 
88 "Babysitting Fluffy / Sleep Troubles" 29 August 1998 (1998-08-29) 707

Chas and Chuckie look after Angelica's cat while she is away; Tommy and Chuckie fear "the Sandman" after a story while Chas is out, so

Stu and Didi are watching them. 
89 "The First Cut / Chuckie Grows" 15 August 1998 (1998-08-15T19) 708

Tommy adopts chicks, but saves them from a runner. Because of that, it makes him have a first cut, which scares Tommy, leading him to

security; The babies think that Chuckie has gotten bigger when his clothes shrink in the wash. 
90 "The Wild Wild West / Angelica for a Day" 13 August 1998 (1998-08-13) 709

The kids take part in a Western spoof to reclaim ice cream coupons from Angelica; Tommy dreams that Chuckie and Angelica switch

91 "Fugitive Tommy / Visiting Aunt Miriam" 19 August 1998 (1998-08-19) 710

Tommy is mistaken for another troublemaking baby with a big tooth; Grandpa Lou takes the babies to Aunt Miriam's house for poker,

where the babies think that the ladies want to eat Chuckie, who is ironically not concerned. 
92 "Uneasy Rider / Where's Grandpa?" 17 August 1998 (1998-08-17) 711

Chuckie is nervous about riding his new two-wheeled bicycle; Stu and Didi accidentally leave Grandpa behind on a road trip, and Tommy

and Chuckie try to give Grandpa a chance to catch up. 
93 "Journey to the Center of the Basement / A Very McNulty Birthday" 15 August 1998 (1998-08-15) 712
The babies go down to the basement to retrieve a lost toy; The kids attend a rival's birthday party, where girls are left out due to cooties
94 "The Family Tree" 17 September 1998 (1998-09-17) 713

While Didi and Stu go on an anniversary vacation, Tommy and Angelica stay at Chuckie's house, where Chuckie learns about his ancestors.

Didi starts to feel sea-sick, but it is really something else - she's pregnant!

Note: This is where The Rugrats Movie begins. 
95 "Chuckie's Duckling / A Dog's Life" 21 November 1998 (1998-11-21) 801

Chuckie adopts a duck that fled from a construction site; Spike's attempts to save Dil from immenent danger gets Spike in trouble with Stu &


Note: This is the first episode in the series that Dil appears in. 
96 "Chuckerfly / Angelica's Twin" 23 November 1998 (1998-11-23) 802

Chuckie wants to be cute again, so he goes through his own metamorphosis; Angelica pretends she has a twin sister named Balina to get

extra goodies. 
97 "Raising Dil / No Naps" 6 December 1998 (1998-12-06) 803
Tommy and the babies try to educate Dil; The babies try to avoid napping for a toy. 
98 "Man of the House / A Whole New Stu" 12 December 1998 (1998-12-12) 804

Tommy tries to run the household while Stu is out of town on business; Stu undergoes a makeover at a health spa after suffering from so

much stress. 
99 "Submarine / Chuckie's a Lefty" 19 December 1998 (1998-12-19) 805

While Stu shops for a used car, the babies imagine the test automobile is a submarine; Chuckie learns he's left-handed, so Angelica makes him

feel like a freak. 

Season 6: 1998-2000

# Episode Original airdate Code
100 "Baking Dil / Hair!" 27 December 1998 (1998-12-27) 806
Dil gets lost at the bakery; Tommy is under the false impression that not growing hair will keep him young forever. 
101 "Zoo Story / I Do" 11 January 1999 (1999-01-11) 807

The babies go to the zoo and get trapped inside the pen, and end up accidentally freeing the animals in the process; Angelica forces Chuckie and Lil to get married after attending a wedding. They

pretend Dil is their baby. 
102 "The Magic Baby / Dil We Meet Again" 27 January 1999 (1999-01-27) 808

In an attempt to get Tommy's toy pony, Angelica trades the babies "magic beans", which Dil eats; The babies think that Dil has turned into

a watermelon. Didi took Dil inside to clean him and Didi changed Dil's diaper. 
103 "Hand Me Downs / Angelica's Ballet" 30 January 1999 (1999-01-30) 809

Angelica tells Tommy that he will disappear after Dil gets his old toys; Angelica performs ballet and conducts a show with the babies.

Note: The song from the ballet, Cynthia Workout, was later released on the CD "The Newest NickToons". 
104 "Opposites Attract / The Art Museum" 13 February 1999 (1999-02-13) 810

The babies meet other kids who are just like each of them at the park; The babies see themselves in various works of art at the museum.

Note: This is the first episode that aired on Noggin. 
105 "The Jungle / The Old Country" 20 March 1999 (1999-03-20) 811

The babies visit a flower shop where they think Dil is infected with "jungle beaver"; The babies visit their grandparents in the country and fear

106 "Ghost Story / Chuckie's Complaint" 27 March 1999 (1999-03-27) 812

The babies get involved in a ghost story with Aaahh!!! Real Monsters; Chuckie becomes afraid after Angelica sends Reptar an angry letter

which she partially wrote, and signs Chuckie's name on it
107 "Pedal Pusher / Music" 6 March 1999 (1999-03-06) 813
Chuckie gets a new toy car; The babies perform music videos. 
108 "Chuckie's Bachelor Pad / Junior Prom" 4 April 1999 (1999-04-04) 901
Chuckie moves into his own place while his room is being remodeled; The babies hold their own prom. 
109 "Silent Angelica / Tie My Shoes" 11 April 1999 (1999-04-11) 902
Angelica tries to say nothing to receive toys; Angelica ties Chuckie's shoes, and Chuckie gets the credit. 
110 "What's Your Line? / Two by Two" 18 April 1999 (1999-04-18) 903
Chuckie looks at some careers, including ice cream man and librarian; The babies try to build an ark after fearing a huge flood. 
111 "All's Well that Pretends Well / Big Babies" 25 April 1999 (1999-04-25) 904
Angelica tries to hide her cold to attend a performance; The babies perform an initiation ceremony for Dil for a club while the adults make a bet to imitate their kids. 
112 "Wrestling Grandpa / Chuckie Collects" 1 May 1999 (1999-05-01) 905
Grandpa Lou competes in a wrestling match; Chuckie starts a new collection. 
113/114 "Runaway Reptar" 27 May 1999 (1999-05-27) 906/907
The babies pretend they get sucked into an evil Robot Reptar movie, in which they must find Reptar and stop Angelica's evil Reptar. 
115 "Share and Share a Spike / Tommy for Mayor" 2 October 1999 (1999-10-02) 908

Dil and Tommy must share the dog; The kids hold their own election between Tommy and Phil. Note: Nickelodeon reaired Tommy for

Mayor as part of the 2000 Presidential Election
116 "Brothers are Monsters / Cooking with Susie" 2 November 1999 (1999-11-02) 909

Tommy thinks he is turning into a monster after getting caught in hair; Susie gets a toy oven, but she cooks horribly while Stu tries out

117 "Officer Chuckie / Auctioning Grandpa" 16 October 1999 (1999-10-16) 910
Chuckie studies street safety from an officer; The babies think Grandpa will be sold. 
118 "Partners in Crime / Thumbs Up" 23 October 1999 (1999-10-23) 911

Angelica makes Dil her "partner" after watching a crime film; Tommy tries to stop the other babies from thumb-sucking after fears of staying

119 "Planting Dil / Joke's on You" 30 October 1999 (1999-10-30) 912
Didi is planting dill plants, which the babies think is baby Dil; Angelica tries to turn the babies against each other with pranks. 
120 "Big Showdown / Doctor Susie" 24 November 1999 (1999-11-24) 913

Didi completely re-models Tommy and Dil's room, against Tommy and the other's good will; Susie learns how to fix broken toys, but

Angelica will have some sabotage. 
121 "Accidents Happen / Pee Wee Scouts" 18 December 1999 (1999-12-18) 914
Chuckie wets the bed; The babies form a scout troop. 
122 "Chuckie's New Shirt / Cavebabies" 11 January 2000 (2000-01-11) 915

Chuckie destroys his shirt, and he cannot find a replacement, and fears for his identity; The babies try to get to the cookie jar for Angelica in a

dinosaur era. 
123 "The Incredible Shrinking Babies / Miss Manners" 18 January 2000 (2000-01-18) 916
The babies dream that they are small and Dil is huge; Angelica tries to help with a business dinner for Charlotte's boss after learning manners. 
124 "A Dose of Dil / Famous Babies" 24 January 2000 (2000-01-24) 917
The babies try to get attention than Dil; the babies want to be famous. 
125 "No Place Like Home" 15 February 2000 (2000-02-15) 918
Susie imagines she is in a world similar to The Wizard of Oz when she is under anesthesia while her tonsils are removed. 
126 "Be My Valentine" 11 February 2000 (2000-02-11) 919
Chuckie tries to give a Valentine to his dad. 
127 "Discover America" 7 March 2000 (2000-03-07) 920
The babies go on an imaginary tour of America when Angelica and Susie cause some damage at a picnic. 

Season 7: 2000-2001

During season 7, Rugrats made a change with a different format that consisted of three episodes per show.

This is the only season of Rugrats to have three episodes per show. The "Rugrats in Paris" movie took after the first episode of Season 7 (Acorn Nuts and Diapey Butts).

# Episode Original airdate Code
128/129/130 "Acorn Nuts and Diapey Butts" 20 May 2000 (2000-05-20) 1001/1002/1003

The babies look forward to autumn, but then Angelica reminds them that change is not always good with Stu's robot Reptar, new diapers for

Phil and Lil, and the babies gave up Reptar for thinking that he caused Grandpa to moving out.

Notes: First time Tara (who voices Dil) is credited as Tara Strong 
131 "Angelicon / Dil's Binkie / Big Brother Chuckie" 15 January 2001 (2001-01-15) 1004

Angelica is a giant from the eyes of the babies in a new treehouse; Dil's pacifier gets tossed around the house; Chuckie must protect Kimi.

Note: This is the first episode in the series that Kira and Kimi appear in. This episode also is right after the film Rugrats in Paris 
132 "Dil Saver / Cooking with Phil and Lil / Piece of Cake" 16 January 2001 (2001-01-16) 1005

Stu makes a Dil screen-saver, and the babies think Dil is trapped in the computer; Phil and Lil make a pie their style; Angelica has a dream

where she is powerful after eating cake. 
133 "Sister Act / Spike's Nightscare / Cuddle Bunny" 17 January 2001 (2001-01-17) 1006
Angelica seeks a sibling after jealousy; Spike has a nightmare; Kimi falls for a pinata at a party. 
134 "Finsterella" 15 January 2001 (2001-01-15) 1007
Chuckie thinks that his life parallels that of Cinderella after hearing of the story. Chas and Kira adopt each others kids as their own. 
135 "Bad Shoes / The World According to Dil and Spike / Falling Stars" 19 January 2001 (2001-01-19) 1008

Stu has to wear uncomfortable shoes; Dil and Spike's perspective on the world; The babies wish on shooting stars and fear they are falling

down a la Star Wars
136 "Dayscare / The Great Unknown / Wash-Dry Story" 22 January 2001 (2001-01-22) 1009

Chuckie and Kimi go to daycare; Tommy finds something weird on the stairs; Cynthia goes missing, and the babies fight the McNulty kids for

the doll a la West Side Story
137 "Changes for Chuckie / The Magic Show / A Lulu of a Time" 23 January 2001 (2001-01-23) 1010

Chuckie goes through adjustments with Kira; The babies visit a magic show; The babies see the retirement home with Lulu and cause

predictable havoc. 
138 "Cat Got Your Tongue? / The War Room / Attention Please" 24 January 2001 (2001-01-24) 1011
Howard loses his voice; Tommy tries to find Dil's bottle in a reception office; Kimi gets more attention than Chuckie. 
139 "And the Winner Is... / Dil's Bathtime / Bigger Than Life" 9 March 2001 (2001-03-09) 1012
Angelica and Susie compete in a talent contest; Dil takes a bath with Tommy and fears the worst; The babies have "big" adventures. 
140 "Day of the Potty / Tell-Tale Cell Phone / The Time of Their Lives" 13 March 2001 (2001-03-13) 1013
Chuckie breaks his home's toilet; Angelica breaks Charlotte's phone and hides it; Angelica gets a watch. 
141 "My Fair Babies / The Way Things Work / Home Sweet Home" 30 March 2001 (2001-03-30) 1014
The babies attend a "lunch party" and must be formal; Tommy shows things to Dil; Chuckie believes Kimi is going back to Japan. 
142 "Adventure Squad / The Way More Things Work / Talk of the Town" 22 April 2001 (2001-04-22) 1015
The rugrats play a game; Tommy shows more things to Dil; Angelica hosts a talk show. 
143 "A Rugrats Kwanzaa" 22 April 2001 (2001-04-22) 1016
The gang celebrates Kwanzaa. 
144 "Pre-School Daze" 13 May 2001 (2001-05-13) 1107
Angelica, Susie, and Harold go to pre-school. 

Season 8: 2001-2003

The original format for Rugrats was brought back in season 8.

# Episode Original airdate Code
145/146 "All Growed Up" 21 July 2001 (2001-07-21) 1101/1102
The Rugrats are now ten years older, and in school
147 "Bow Wow Wedding Vows" 4 August 2002 (2002-08-04) 1103

Tommy fears Spike has no more time for him on Easter. Kira and Chas celebrate their first Easter.

Notes: Christine Cavanaugh's final episode as the voice of Chuckie and Rugrats first episode after the 9/11
148 "Quiet Please / Early Retirement" 7 September 2002 (2002-09-07) 1104

Chuckie loses his first library card and Chas deals with a book fine; The kids decide to retire while Angelica tries to watch an awards show.

Notes: Nancy Cartwright's first episode as the voice of Chuckie. 
149 "The Doctor is In / The Big Sneeze" 14 September 2002 (2002-09-14) 1105

Angelica pretends to be a doctor on the radio after hearing Didi and Betty listen to a doctor on the radio who helps people with their

problems; Chuckie thinks he is allergic to Kimi when Kimi has a dandelion in her pocket.. 
150 "Curse of the Werewuff" 20 October 2002 (2002-10-20) 1106

Angelica tells the babies they will become their costumes at Halloween's end.

Note: This is the final episode that aired on Noggin. 
151 "The Fun Way Day / The Age of Aquarium" 13 October 2002 (2002-10-13) 1107

Kira and Chas hire a guy to help boost Java Lava's popularity unknowingly leads to a game of Hide and Seek; The babies visit a

boat-shaped aquarium and think the boat is sinking. 
152 "Daddy's Little Helpers / Hello Dilly" 20 November 2002 (2002-11-20) 1108
The kids help their fathers; The babies believe that Dil has turned into a doll. (This episode parodies the musical Hello, Dolly!
153 "Cynthia Comes Alive / Trading Phil" 27 November 2002 (2002-11-27) 1109

The kids mistake a teenager for a real-life version of Angelica's doll while it is being repaired; Angelica trades Phil so a group of older kids

could play with him. 
154 "Murmur on the Ornery Express" 15 February 2003 (2003-02-15) 1110
Strange things happen during a train ride to "Little Biendeltown", where Chuckie and Angelica's dolls vanish, as well as Minka's necklace. 
155 "Back to School / Sweet Dreams" 29 January 2003 (2003-01-29) 1111
Didi enrolls in college; Chuckie doesn't have a dream. 
156 "A Step at a Time / Angelica's Assistant" 29 January 2003 (2003-01-29) 1112
Stu thinks Dil is walking after the babies manipulate him; Harold visits Angelica's house and Angelica must maintain calmness. 
157 "A Tale of Two Puppies / Okey-Dokey Jones and the Ring of the Sunbeams" 9 December 2002 (2002-12-09) 1113

The adults try to find buyers for Spike's two last puppies; The babies seek Lil's ring in a pet store. This episode is also based on the first scene

of The Rugrats Movie
158 "Happy Taffy / Imagine That" 1 March 2003 (2003-03-01) 1114
Stu and Didi hire a new babysitter for the rugrats; The rugrats become secret agents. Guest Star: Amanda Bynes as Taffy 

Season 9: 2002-2004

# Episode Original airdate Code
159 "Club Fred" 22 February 2003 (2003-02-22) 1201

The babies and the adults go on a vacation at a pirate-themed family resort, with predictably disastrous results as the babies search for a

treasure and Angelica starts to use credit cards. 
160 "The Perfect Twins" 13 May 2003 (2003-05-13) 1202
Betty's British cousins are nothing like Phil and Lil at a family reunion. 
161/162 "Babies in Toyland" 21 December 2002 (2002-12-21) 1203/1204

The babies visit Stu's holiday village, where Angelica forces the Santa to quit, and the adults get stranded in Stu's Western cabin. Kira and

Chas celebrate their first Christmas together. This title is a spoof of the 1961, 1986, and 1997 movies "Babes in Toyland". Guest Star: James Belushi as Santa

Note: After the December 17, 2011 airing on Nickelodeon, when the credits rolled, it said "Nicktoons" not "Nick". This was probably a mistake, as Nicktoons is Nick's sister channel. 
163 "Clown Around / The Baby Rewards" 13 October 2003 (2003-10-13) 1205
The babies go to the circus; The babies have an awards show, and the awards go to all the others (Stu, Fluffy, and Angelica?). 
164 "Diapies and Dragons / Baby Power" 16 November 2003 (2003-11-16) 1206
The babies go to a video arcade; The babies fear Dil is strong. 
165 "Bug Off / The Crawl Space" 23 November 2003 (2003-11-23) 1207
The babies fear a mascot; The babies move into a crawl space. 
166 "Starstruck / Who's Taffy?" 4 January 2004 (2004-01-04) 1208
Kimi gets cast in a movie; Angelica and Taffy switch places. 
167 "They Came from the Backyard / Lil's Phil of Trash" 11 January 2004 (2004-01-11) 1209
The babies fear an alien invasion; Phil picks up trash. 
168 "Mutt's in a Name / Hurricane Alice" 18 January 2004 (2004-01-18) 1210
Chaz thinks of a name for the puppy; Phil and Lil think a visiting friend is a disaster. 
169 "Bestest of Show / Hold the Pickles" 25 January 2004 (2004-01-25) 1211

Tommy, Angelica, and Susie compete in a pet show; The babies think Taffy doesn't like Dil because she said I hate Dil Pickles,but she said i

hate Dill Pickles so they put ice cream and gummi bears and cherries and also use napkins and Taffy says he is a cute little mini and then the babies get worried

because she says they are (Sweet Pickles) 
170 "Baby Sale / Steve" 1 February 2004 (2004-02-01) 1212
Didi, Kira, and Betty go to a toddler clothing sale, where the babies think they will be sold; The babies make a snowbaby. 
171 "The Bravliest Baby / Gimme an 'A'" 1 April 2004 (2004-04-01) 1213
Tommy loses his courage; The kids try to find an A for Didi. 
172 "Fountain of Youth / Kimi Takes the Cake" 8 June 2004 (2004-06-08) 1214

The kids go to a cabin that makes a meaning to Drew, Stu, and Chaz; In the series finale, the babies search for a birthday cake in a scary

house where Taffy performes. 

DVD releases

Nickelodeon and produce DVDs of new and old Nickelodeon shows through the CreateSpace service. Using a concept similar to print on demand, Amazon manufactures the discs, cover art, and disc art. As of October 6, 2011, Seasons 1-9 are available. It is also unknown if Shout! Factory will release Seasons 1-9 of the series.

Rugrats Tales from the Crib: 2005-2006

These movies are straight to DVD Movies that are part of the Rugrats series. These weren't actually the end of the Rugrats series, but are side-stories. The last movie came out in 2006.

# Episode Original airdate Code
1 "Rugrats Tales from the Crib: Snow White" 6 September 2005 (2005-09-06) DVDM1
Taffy tells the kids the tale of Snow White as the Wicked Queen (Angelica) plots to get rid of Snow White (Susie), who lives with the Seven Babies who work in their diaper factory.[1] 
2 "Rugrats Tales from the Crib: Three Jacks and a Beanstalk" 5 September 2006 (2006-09-05) DVDM2

Three Jacks and a Beanstalk is the Rugrats spin on a classic fairytale. Combines Jack Sprat with Jack and Jill while they tell their own version of Jack and the Bean Stalk. The babies get some magical beans that grows into a giant beanstalk leading to a huge castle in the sky. There, a fairy (Susie) offers them a key to the castle if they get three things for the castle's occupant, the giant evil Angelica.[2]

Guest Star: Mo'Nique as Aunt Moo 


External links